Jallu the Black Russian Terrier 3.5.2013 - 13.3 2017
I counted that Jallu has had before he turned 4 years of age 3 long periods of antibiotics for diarrhea, 4 long periods of antibiotics for infected skin on his testicles, 3 periods of antibiotics for infected skin on his neck and 5 antibiotics for an infected nail. Now….knock on wood…we have found a balance in his health, thanks to a long elimination diet and for lactic bacteria added in his food. Jallu can´t eat rise, chicken, cow, pork, moose, reindeer, fish, any cereals, and corn….and I do not feel to try if there would be anything else as well. Jallu can eat lamb, horse, sweet potato, potato, peas and linseed. In September 2015 I finally could say that I found the right nutrition for Jallu. His treat is cheese and lamb meat. The lactic bacteria eating is on hold for now and Jallu takes aloe vera liquid in his food and I follow the situation and hope that he will gain some weight.
In June 2016 he was castrated and that did not go so well eighter. 3 antibiotics, cortison, litalgin, tramal, atarax and I do not even remember all medication, and he was recovering for 2 months.
February 2017 and the weight he gained is gone and his nail is infected and here we go again in medication circle...
3.5.2013 - 13.3 2017 R.I.P the owner has the responsibility to make the final decision...though it is hard...
Pathological exam showed a autoimmune disease not described in dogs